lighter bike weights actually slow you down?!?
Friday November 18th 2011, 12:00
Filed under: Uncategorized


Lighter Bikes May Not Reduce Commuting Time

Dec. 9, 2010 

A light-weight bike that costs around £1000 may not get you to work any quicker than a similar, yet heavier and cheaper model.

A keen cyclist since childhood, the author Dr Jeremy Groves, owns two bikes. One a second hand 13.5 kg steel framed bike bought for £50 and the other a brand new 9.5 kg carbon framed bike that cost £1000.

When Dr Groves, a consultant in anaesthesia and intensive care at Chesterfield Royal Hospital, realised his new bike took 43 minutes to get him to work rather than the 44 minutes it took on his old bike he questioned whether the difference in cost was worth it.

Dr Groves believed the only way to be certain which bike was faster was to set up a randomised trial.

For six months (January 2010 to July 2010) the author undertook the same journey on both bikes, tossing a £1 coin to decide which bike to use before setting off from home. The trip included a dual carriageway, country lanes, farm track and an up hill trek of 400 metres.

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malaria from monkeys?
Thursday November 17th 2011, 12:00
Filed under: Uncategorized

July 22, 2011

Malaris isnt only from mosquitos, its also in monkey’s.

This questions current thinking of the orgin of malaria.

The research is done by the CNRS.

Malaris is also known as palendism.

it causes 1 million deaths each year.

Malaria for the longest time was though to be only from mosquitos, but they have now found out that monkeys can carry this disease. it is found in the white spotted nose monkey. Scientists are testing is the orgin of malaria is from the monkey of mosquitos.

I chose this because i was thinking about monkeys.

hi loser!
Friday October 07th 2011, 12:00
Filed under: Uncategorized

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